
High Performance Mindset | Learn from World-Class Leaders, Consultants, Athletes & Coaches about Mindset

Do you want to develop the mindset of the World’s Best? Are you ready to unlock your true potential? Join Dr. Cindra Kamphoff each week, a national leader in the field of Sports and Performance Psychology, as she interviews thought leaders, executives, professional athletes, and entrepreneurs to help you get out of your comfort zone and after your goals. With nearly one million downloads and counting, Dr. Kamphoff provides insights into her personal work with the Minnesota Vikings, Fortune 100 companies, and other top executives and athletes to help you accomplish all your goals and dreams. Ready to launch your true potential? Buckle up and let’s go. Subscribe now and hit the play button.
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High Performance Mindset | Learn from World-Class Leaders, Consultants, Athletes & Coaches about Mindset











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Now displaying: 2018
Dec 30, 2018

Dr. Peter Haberl is a senior sport psychologist for the United States Olympic Committee. Through the USOC, he provides individual and team consultations and counseling sessions to various resident and national teams and athletes at the Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs.

Before joining the USOC in 1998, Peter served as the sport psychology consultant for the 1998 U.S. Women's Ice Hockey Olympic Team.  He also served as the sports psychology consultant for USA Triathlon at the 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney, Australia. During the 2000 to 2004 Olympic summer quad leading up to the Athens Olympic Games, Peter worked mainly with US Diving, US Synchronized Swimming, USA Triathlon and the US Women's Volleyball team.

With the restructuring of the Performance Services Division of the USOC in 2006, Peter moved into the Team and Technical Sportfolio with a focus of providing services to team (USA Men's & Women's Water Polo, USA Women's Indoor Volleyball) and technical (USA Shooting, USA Archery) sports in their preparation for the Games.

Born in Austria, he received his undergraduate degree in sports science from the University of Vienna, Austria, and earned a master's degree in counseling and his Ed. D. in counseling psychology at Boston University. He is a licensed psychologist in Colorado.

 In his applied work, Peter has a specific focus on mindfulness based interventions. Peter played professional hockey in Europe for 10 years, also representing Austria at two World Championships.

In this interview, Peter and Cindra talk about:

  • Why attention is the currency of performance
  • How to deal with uncomfortable thoughts and feelings
  • What it looks like to have a flexible mind
  • Why it’s important to ask yourself, “What do I do with my attention?”
  • The difference between informal and formal mindfulness practices
  • His unique opinion on the topic of confidence
  • Why we need to decouple performance from our sense of self

You can find a full description of the Podcast at

Dec 21, 2018

Dr. Doug Chadwick serves as the mental skills coordinator for the Colorado Rockies Baseball Club.  He designs the curriculum, facilitates the mental skills education, and teaches the Rockies major league and minor league players and staff about the mental skills necessary for optimal performance under pressure.  Chadwick’s responsibilities cover hundreds of professional athletes and include seven professional teams in the United States and two in Latin America. 

Chadwick earned his BS in management and systems engineering from the United States Military Academy (West Point) where he was also a multi-year letterman and starter on a nationally ranked Army football team.  He was commissioned as a field artillery officer and served in the Army for over 20 years before retiring as a faculty member at West Point.  While serving in the Army, Chadwick earned his MA in applied economics from the University of Oklahoma as well as an MSc degree in kinesiology and sport psychology from Cal State Fullerton.

After completing his PhD, Doug returned to West Point as the director of the Center for Enhanced Performance, a comprehensive student services center.

In this interview, Doug and Cindra talk about:

  • His unique journey to the field of sport psychology
  • What the best do differently
  • How various “Army slogans” are incorporated into this work in the MLB
  • Ways to get back in the moment and why that’s important
  • The importance of recovery in high performance
  • How the best learn from failure

You can find a full description of the Podcast at

Dec 18, 2018

 “When you don’t feel like you’re competing with others, you compete only with yourself. You do it for you. And you do more, go further, and perform better.” Neil Pasricha – The Happiness Advantage


High Performers do it for themselves. They choose goals for intrinsic reason, not extrinsic like money, fame, or promotion. When you do it for you, you go further, and perform better.


Power Phrase:  “I do it for me. I go after my goals for my reasons.”

Dec 14, 2018

Dr. Katy Tran Turner currently serves as the Mental Performance Coach for the Buffalo Sabres and Buffalo Bills. Her primary role in this position is helping players and coaches optimize their performance by applying psychological skills and she supports the organization's efforts to optimize the performance environment.

Katy also worked with Soldiers and their families at Fort Bragg, NC as part of the Comprehensive Soldier and Family Fitness program. Katy earned her doctorate in Sport and Exercise Psychology from Florida State University, her master's degree in Exercise Physiology from Kent State University, and her undergraduate degrees in Biology and Exercise & Sport Science from UNC-Chapel Hill, where she played goalie for the varsity field hockey team.

Her areas of research interest are in performance enhancement techniques, team coordination, and leadership development.

In this interview, Katy and Cindra talk about:

* The differences she sees in the mindset between NFL and NHL athletes

* The importance of a pre-performance routine

* How the best implement the mental game

* What the best do different related to the mental game

* How to “park it”

* How her dissertation research informs her practice


"One of the things that I've learned really from the guys that I work with is, it doesn't matter if you just made the best play ever, you can't dwell on that either. It doesn't matter if you just made the worst play ever, you can't dwell on that either. it's all about learning and moving forward and then preparing for the next play that's coming at you." - Dr. Katy Tran Turner 

"I'm just going to parking lot it and come back to it later, I'm just going to park it for now and revisit it later. And then the next important step is refocusing on something that is task relevant coming up in the next play." - Dr. Katy Tran Turner

"The social nature of sport changes the way that we think, it changes the way we make decisions, it changes the way we process information." - Dr. Katy Tran Turner

"The way an individual makes a decision or processes information is different when they are surrounded by their teammates." - Dr. Katy Tran Turner 

"What do you know about your teammates' preferences and tendencies? Because if you now those preferences and tendencies then you can help them process information and make decisions faster because you know what they are going to do. And likewise they know what you're going to do if you share that information really INTENTIONALLY." - Dr. Katy Tran Turner 

"If you're building something knew [culture] it has to be delivered from every angle...I have found that it is really helpful when it comes from everyone. Not just the head coach, not just form the leadership group, but also the support staff." - Dr. Katy Tran Turner 

You can find a full description of the Podcast at

Dec 6, 2018

“There are 3 types of people: those who make it happen, those who watch it happen, and those who wonder what happens.” Tommy Lasorda

High Performers are clutch. They can perform better-than-usual under pressure. They realize self-control – knowing they can handle the situation – is key in being clutch. They also have a high self-confidence, even if they are just getting started in the activity – the belief in themselves. 

Power Phrase This Week:  

I am clutch. I stay confident and in control when the heat is on.”

Dr. Cindra Kamphoff is a Certified Mental Performance Consultant, Speaker and Author. She provide mental training for the Minnesota Vikings along with many other championships teams. She coaches athletes, CEOs and executives one-on-one to help them learn and apply the mental tools that lead to success.

Cindra also speaks to and works with businesses and organizations on how to gain the high performance edge while providing practical tools that work. Her clients range from Verizon Wireless to Mayo Clinic Health System.

Cindra's first book: Beyond Grit: Ten Powerful Practices to Gain the High Performance Edge was published in August. Her Ph.D. is in sport and performance psychology and she is a Professor in Performance Psychology at Minnesota State University.

To book Cindra for your next speaking event or learn more about her one-on-one coaching, visit:

For more information about Cindra's book, visit:

Nov 30, 2018

“Happiness is not out there. It is in you.” Anonymous 

High Performers make a choice to be happy. They realize the importance and that up to 40% of our happiness can be changed. They realize they are in control of their lives, do work and have fun in things that engage them. They also give priority to their close relationships and work to express gratitude each day.

Power Phrase This Week:  

I choose happiness. I take control of my happiness.”

Dr. Cindra Kamphoff is a Certified Mental Performance Consultant, Speaker and Author. She provide mental training for the Minnesota Vikings along with many other championships teams. She coaches athletes, CEOs and executives one-on-one to help them learn and apply the mental tools that lead to success.

Cindra also speaks to and works with businesses and organizations on how to gain the high performance edge while providing practical tools that work. Her clients range from Verizon Wireless to Mayo Clinic Health System.

Cindra's first book: Beyond Grit: Ten Powerful Practices to Gain the High Performance Edge was published in August. Her Ph.D. is in sport and performance psychology and she is a Professor in Performance Psychology at Minnesota State University.

To book Cindra for your next speaking event or learn more about her one-on-one coaching, visit:

For more information about Cindra's book, visit:

Nov 25, 2018

Life is simple. Everything happens for you, not to you. Everything happens at exactly the right moment, neither too soon nor too late. You don’t have to like it…. It’s just easier if you do.” Bryon Katie

High Performers see obstacles and difficulties as happening for them not too them. They blame appropriately, not denying that is it difficulty, but use their cognitive appraisal to see the good that can come from everything.

Power Phrase This Week: 

I see difficulties as happening for me not to me. I see the gift in the difficulty.”

Dr. Cindra Kamphoff is a Certified Mental Performance Consultant, Speaker and Author. She provide mental training for the Minnesota Vikings along with many other championships teams. She coaches athletes, CEOs and executives one-on-one to help them learn and apply the mental tools that lead to success.

Cindra also speaks to and works with businesses and organizations on how to gain the high performance edge while providing practical tools that work. Her clients range from Verizon Wireless to Mayo Clinic Health System.

Cindra's first book: Beyond Grit: Ten Powerful Practices to Gain the High Performance Edge was published in August. Her Ph.D. is in sport and performance psychology and she is a Professor in Performance Psychology at Minnesota State University.

To book Cindra for your next speaking event or learn more about her one-on-one coaching, visit:

For more information about Cindra's book, visit:

Nov 7, 2018

“The worst lies are the lies we tell ourselves.” Richard Bach

High performers know they can lie to themselves. They realize that growing their mental strength is about learning to lie to themselves less! They remember that happiness doesn’t come from what they have, but from within. They think like a 60 year old instead of believing the lie that others will think they are silly. They celebrate what makes them unique. And they realize everyone is struggling with something.

Power Phrase This Week: 

I let go of the lies I tell myself to become the person I was meant to be.”

Dr. Cindra Kamphoff is a Certified Mental Performance Consultant, Speaker and Author. She provide mental training for the Minnesota Vikings along with many other championships teams. She coaches athletes, CEOs and executives one-on-one to help them learn and apply the mental tools that lead to success.

Cindra also speaks to and works with businesses and organizations on how to gain the high performance edge while providing practical tools that work. Her clients range from Verizon Wireless to Mayo Clinic Health System.

Cindra's first book: Beyond Grit: Ten Powerful Practices to Gain the High Performance Edge was published in August. Her Ph.D. is in sport and performance psychology and she is a Professor in Performance Psychology at Minnesota State University.

To book Cindra for your next speaking event or learn more about her one-on-one coaching, visit:

For more information about Cindra's book, visit:

Nov 3, 2018

Amy Baltzell is a Clinical Associate Professor and Director of the Sport Psychology Specialization (of Counseling) at Boston University. She is a Certified Mental Performance Consultant with the Association for Applied Sport Psychology (CMPC).  She is a former US National (1989, 1990) and Olympic (1992) Rowing Team member, member of the All women’s America’s cup Sailing Team (1995), and Head Varsity lightweight rowing coach (1998-1999) at Harvard University.

Amy is the author of 3 books: The Power of Mindfulness, Mindfulness and Performance, and Living in the Sweet Spot: Preparing for Performance in Sport and Life.

Her research focus is on mindfulness and self-compassion in sport. Specifically, she is studying the impact of Mindfulness Meditation Training in Sport, an intervention designed to help athletes improve concentration, adapt while competing and increase their tolerance of distracting thoughts and emotions.

Amy received her bachelors from Wesleyan University and earned a masters and doctorate from Boston University. She taught the first course in Sport Psychology at Harvard University.

In this interview, Amy and Cindra talk about:

  • Her experience as an Olympic and elite athlete
  • The definition of mindfulness
  • The benefits of practicing mindfulness
  • Why self-compassion is important
  • Her research on mindfulness and her mindfulness protocol
  • How we can practice mindfulness

You can find a full description of the Podcast at

Oct 30, 2018

“You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself.” Jim Rohn

Dr. Cindra Kamphoff is a Certified Mental Performance Consultant, Speaker and Author. She provide mental training for the Minnesota Vikings along with many other championships teams. She coaches athletes, CEOs and executives one-on-one to help them learn and apply the mental tools that lead to success.

Cindra also speaks to and works with businesses and organizations on how to gain the high performance edge while providing practical tools that work. Her clients range from Verizon Wireless to Mayo Clinic Health System.

Cindra's first book: Beyond Grit: Ten Powerful Practices to Gain the High Performance Edge was published in August. Her Ph.D. is in sport and performance psychology and she is a Professor in Performance Psychology at Minnesota State University.

To book Cindra for your next speaking event or learn more about her one-on-one coaching, visit:

For more information about Cindra's book, visit:

Oct 25, 2018

“I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.” Carl Jung

High performers develop their resilience. They don’t suppress negative emotions. Instead, they manage them. They make adversity work for them not against them. They are relentless optimists – always believing something good is going to happen.

Power Phrase This Week:

"I am resilient. I make adversity work for me!"

Dr. Cindra Kamphoff is a Certified Mental Performance Consultant, Speaker and Author. She provide mental training for the Minnesota Vikings along with many other championships teams. She coaches athletes, CEOs and executives one-on-one to help them learn and apply the mental tools that lead to success.

Cindra also speaks to and works with businesses and organizations on how to gain the high performance edge while providing practical tools that work. Her clients range from Verizon Wireless to Mayo Clinic Health System.

Cindra's first book: Beyond Grit: Ten Powerful Practices to Gain the High Performance Edge was published in August. Her Ph.D. is in sport and performance psychology and she is a Professor in Performance Psychology at Minnesota State University.

To book Cindra for your next speaking event or learn more about her one-on-one coaching, visit:

For more information about Cindra's book, visit:


Oct 22, 2018
“You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself.” Jim Rohn
High performers know they need to take 100% responsibility for everything in your life. They embrace E + R = 0. They ask themselves, how can I take just 5% more responsibility for my life. They realize its not what other people say to them that matters, it is what they say to themselves matters. They give up blaming and complaining. They take control of their life and drive it!
Power Phrase This Week: 
I accept 100 percent responsibility for my life. I own my power."

Dr. Cindra Kamphoff is a Certified Mental Performance Consultant, Speaker and Author. She provide mental training for the Minnesota Vikings along with many other championships teams. She coaches athletes, CEOs and executives one-on-one to help them learn and apply the mental tools that lead to success.

Cindra also speaks to and works with businesses and organizations on how to gain the high performance edge while providing practical tools that work. Her clients range from Verizon Wireless to Mayo Clinic Health System.

Cindra's first book: Beyond Grit: Ten Powerful Practices to Gain the High Performance Edge was published in August. Her Ph.D. is in sport and performance psychology and she is a Professor in Performance Psychology at Minnesota State University.

To book Cindra for your next speaking event or learn more about her one-on-one coaching, visit:

For more information about Cindra's book, visit:

Oct 15, 2018

Jen Schumacher, M.S., CMPC, is a Performance Psychology Instructor at the Center for Enhanced Performance at the United States Military Academy. She works with cadets and teams on the psychological aspects of elite performance. Jen works with cadets on the mental aspects of the Survival Swimming course, incorporating virtual reality training alongside workshops.

Jen operates a private consulting practice, providing individual training for elite and club athletes, marathon swimmers, and executives. She also runs mental skills seminars and team building retreats for athletic and corporate groups.

In addition to performance psychology, Jen’s other passion is marathon swimming. She has completed two Catalina Channel crossings, the 28-mile length of the LA Bay, the Manhattan Island Marathon Swim, the Strait of Gibraltar, Lake Tahoe, and several Catalina Channel relays. Jen credits much of her athletic success to her experiences working with and learning about the mental aspects of performance.

Jen earned her Master's Degree in Sport Psychology at California State University, Fullerton, studying under Dr. Ken Ravizza, and is a Certified Mental Performance Consultant through the Association of Applied Sport Psychology. She is currently pursuing her Ph.D. in Health and Human Performance at Concordia University of Chicago.

In this interview, Jen and Cindra talk about:

  • How she became grateful while swimming with a shark
  • How she uses Ravizza’s “3 Rs” in marathon swimming
  • The difference between offensive and defensive self-talk
  • The 4Ps of self-talk
  • How to address your fear with “fear statements”

You can find a full description of the Podcast at

Oct 10, 2018
“The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” Steve Jobs
High performers know they need to cultivate their intrinsic motivation. They need to keep focus on all of the reasons they love their work and keep it fun. They work to keep their language positive, focusing on giving positive energy and celebrating the small wins. They leave thinking about their job or sport with positive energy and focus.
Power Phrase This Week:
I celebrate the small things today! I focus on why I love to do what I do.”

Dr. Cindra Kamphoff is a Certified Mental Performance Consultant, Speaker and Author. She provide mental training for the Minnesota Vikings along with many other championships teams. She coaches athletes, CEOs and executives one-on-one to help them learn and apply the mental tools that lead to success.

Cindra also speaks to and works with businesses and organizations on how to gain the high performance edge while providing practical tools that work. Her clients range from Verizon Wireless to Mayo Clinic Health System.

Cindra's first book: Beyond Grit: Ten Powerful Practices to Gain the High Performance Edge was published in August. Her Ph.D. is in sport and performance psychology and she is a Professor in Performance Psychology at Minnesota State University.

To book Cindra for your next speaking event or learn more about her one-on-one coaching, visit:

For more information about Cindra's book, visit:

Oct 6, 2018

Penny is a genuine entrepreneur.  Founding the Tremblay Leadership Center, with relationship strategies training and keynotes internationally for 20+ years, thousands have benefitted with skills and confidence to be productive, play nice in the sandbox, and climb the ladder of success.

Her Advanced Mediation certificate from Harvard combined with years of conflict resolution facilitation in workplaces bring stories, experiences and guidance for productive, peaceful and profitable business.

In this interview, Penny and Cindra talk about:

  • What it means to “Play Nice in the Sandbox”
  • Why we need to resolve conflict at work
  • Her tips for resolving conflict at work
  • How we are all carrying around a suitcase
  • Why it’s important to look in your suitcase

You can find a full description of the Podcast at

Oct 3, 2018
 High performers know it’s necessary for them to develop their grit. They engage in their daily grit session – thinking about where they want to go and why. They dream about their future like Olympians, golfers, and baseball pitchers. They imagine it with VICE . They claim their goals and dreams.
Power Phrase This Week:
I determine my success. I claim my goals and dreams.”

Dr. Cindra Kamphoff is a Certified Mental Performance Consultant, Speaker and Author. She provide mental training for the Minnesota Vikings along with many other championships teams. She coaches athletes, CEOs and executives one-on-one to help them learn and apply the mental tools that lead to success.

Cindra also speaks to and works with businesses and organizations on how to gain the high performance edge while providing practical tools that work. Her clients range from Verizon Wireless to Mayo Clinic Health System.

Cindra's first book: Beyond Grit: Ten Powerful Practices to Gain the High Performance Edge was published in August. Her Ph.D. is in sport and performance psychology and she is a Professor in Performance Psychology at Minnesota State University.

To book Cindra for your next speaking event or learn more about her one-on-one coaching, visit:

For more information about Cindra's book, visit:

Sep 29, 2018
“Be very careful what you say to yourself because someone very important is listening…YOU!” John Assaraf
High performers grow their consciousness. They catch their limiting or automatic negative thoughts. They take control of their life instead of letting life control them. They think in a powerful way – focusing on their dream each day and tell themselves powerful things about themselves and that their success will continue!
Power Phrase This Week:  
Great things are coming my way! I will reach my dreams!”

Dr. Cindra Kamphoff is a Certified Mental Performance Consultant, Speaker and Author. She provide mental training for the Minnesota Vikings along with many other championships teams. She coaches athletes, CEOs and executives one-on-one to help them learn and apply the mental tools that lead to success.

Cindra also speaks to and works with businesses and organizations on how to gain the high performance edge while providing practical tools that work. Her clients range from Verizon Wireless to Mayo Clinic Health System.

Cindra's first book: Beyond Grit: Ten Powerful Practices to Gain the High Performance Edge was published in August. Her Ph.D. is in sport and performance psychology and she is a Professor in Performance Psychology at Minnesota State University.

To book Cindra for your next speaking event or learn more about her one-on-one coaching, visit:

For more information about Cindra's book, visit:

Sep 26, 2018

Dr. Marc Strickland works with professional, Olympic, collegiate and elite junior athletes including the Oakland Athletics. He has also spent time with the Chicago Cubs. He specializes in helping athletes improve their mental toughness by developing sound mental skills.

As the founder and CEO of Multisport Psychological Consultants, Dr. Strickland is trained in the use of Performance Physiology techniques, like Biofeedback and Neurofeedback, to help clients train their minds to overcome mentally challenging situations.

In this interview, Marc and Cindra talk about:

  • What the best do differently
  • How the best in the world take care of their emotional needs
  • His advice for others working in this field
  • Why mental health is a performance enhancement issue
  • The growth of sport psychology in professional baseball
  • His advice to coaches who are dealing with a mental health issue on their team

You can find a full description of the Podcast at

Sep 20, 2018

“Nothing is impossible…the word itself says ‘I’m possible.’” Audrey Hepburn

High performers turn “Impossible” to “I’m possible.” They believe that impossible is an opinion. They consider all of the ways they can make it happen. They continuously check in with themselves and their emotional needs. One way they do this is by reading. In other words, they develop the daily discipline to make their goals into reality.

Power Phrase:

I do the impossible because I am possible!”

Dr. Cindra Kamphoff is a Certified Mental Performance Consultant, Speaker and Author. She provide mental training for the Minnesota Vikings along with many other championships teams. She coaches athletes, CEOs and executives one-on-one to help them learn and apply the mental tools that lead to success.

Cindra also speaks to and works with businesses and organizations on how to gain the high performance edge while providing practical tools that work. Her clients range from Verizon Wireless to Mayo Clinic Health System.

Cindra's first book: Beyond Grit: Ten Powerful Practices to Gain the High Performance Edge was published in August. Her Ph.D. is in sport and performance psychology and she is a Professor in Performance Psychology at Minnesota State University.

To book Cindra for your next speaking event or learn more about her one-on-one coaching, visit:

For more information about Cindra's book, visit:

Sep 12, 2018

“Checking in on yourself gives you awareness. Awareness is like feedback on what, if any, adjustments are necessary to improve your performance. The best excel at coaching themselves.” —Ken Ravizza and Tom Hanson

High performers focus on increasing their self-awareness. They are great at coaching themselves. This gives them power to choose how to respond not react. To help us do that, we can Recognize, Release and Refocus to help us stay in control of ourselves.

Power Phrase:

“I choose to respond with purpose and intention. I coach myself!”

Dr. Cindra Kamphoff is a Certified Mental Performance Consultant, Speaker and Author. She provide mental training for the Minnesota Vikings along with many other championships teams. She coaches athletes, CEOs and executives one-on-one to help them learn and apply the mental tools that lead to success.

Cindra also speaks to and works with businesses and organizations on how to gain the high performance edge while providing practical tools that work. Her clients range from Verizon Wireless to Mayo Clinic Health System.

Cindra's first book: Beyond Grit: Ten Powerful Practices to Gain the High Performance Edge was published in August. Her Ph.D. is in sport and performance psychology and she is a Professor in Performance Psychology at Minnesota State University.

To book Cindra for your next speaking event or learn more about her one-on-one coaching, visit:

For more information about Cindra's book, visit:

Sep 6, 2018

Sue Halden-Brown is a former Olympic equestrian coach, multi-disciplinary mental skills coach, business mentor and executive coach from Australia. She is a businesswoman and internationally-published author whose published books include “Mistakes Worth Making: How to Turn Sports Errors Into Athletic Excellence” published by Human Kinetics. 

She launched Equestrian Coach Education International (ECEi) earlier this year, which is the world’s first online hub for equestrian-specific coach education and professional development resources. She is also a classically-trained equestrian rider who has coached in England, Ireland, and all over Australia.

In this interview, Sue and Cindra talk about:

  • What is mistakes-management and how it applies to all areas of life
  • The principles of mistakes-management
  • Why we need mistakes-management skills
  • The best mistakes-management strategies
  • The ideal way to correct a mistake
  • Coaching tips to help others deal with a mistake

You can find a full description of the Podcast at

Aug 29, 2018
“If you think you can or think you can’t, your right.” Henry Ford
High performers focus on the possibilities. They think big and dream about their future. They do not put limits on their ability or achievements. Instead, they defy limits by using CAR!
Power Phrase: 
I choose to see the possibilities for myself and my future. I stay gritty, believing I can do the impossible.

Dr. Cindra Kamphoff is a Certified Mental Performance Consultant, Speaker and Author. She provide mental training for the Minnesota Vikings along with many other championships teams. She coaches athletes, CEOs and executives one-on-one to help them learn and apply the mental tools that lead to success.

Cindra also speaks to and works with businesses and organizations on how to gain the high performance edge while providing practical tools that work. Her clients range from Verizon Wireless to Mayo Clinic Health System.

Cindra's first book: Beyond Grit: Ten Powerful Practices to Gain the High Performance Edge was published in August. Her Ph.D. is in sport and performance psychology and she is a Professor in Performance Psychology at Minnesota State University.

To book Cindra for your next speaking event or learn more about her one-on-one coaching, visit:

For more information about Cindra's book, visit:

Aug 22, 2018
You have power over your mind, not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.”Marcus Aurelius
High performers help others develop their mental toughness. They help them build their confidence by showing unconditional love and support. They help them let go of mistakes after learning from them. They help them focus on improvement and the process – sharing ways they have improved themselves but not comparing themselves to others.
Power Phrase this Week: 
"I choose to build mental toughness in others. I model mental toughness for others."

Dr. Cindra Kamphoff is a Certified Mental Performance Consultant, Speaker and Author. She provide mental training for the Minnesota Vikings along with many other championships teams. She coaches athletes, CEOs and executives one-on-one to help them learn and apply the mental tools that lead to success.

Cindra also speaks to and works with businesses and organizations on how to gain the high performance edge while providing practical tools that work. Her clients range from Verizon Wireless to Mayo Clinic Health System.

Cindra's first book: Beyond Grit: Ten Powerful Practices to Gain the High Performance Edge was published in August. Her Ph.D. is in sport and performance psychology and she is a Professor in Performance Psychology at Minnesota State University.

To book Cindra for your next speaking event or learn more about her one-on-one coaching, visit:

For more information about Cindra's book, visit:

Aug 20, 2018

Tom is a speaker, author and entrepreneur who helps leaders turn their communication “shortcomings” into competitive advantage.

Tom’s entire career has been about identifying, reaching and winning over audiences.  In his first career, he did that first as an advertising executive with Ogilvy, Grey and Hal Riney, and as a marketing VP for Sears and 3Com.  In Tom’s second career as CEO of Second City Works, the B2B arm of the famous Second City comedy theatre, he got whole new perspective on winning audiences.  There, he turned the company’s corporate entertainment side hustle into a groundbreaking communications and executive education consultancy.  Over Tom’s 14-year tenure, he and his team used comedy and improvisation to help tens of thousands of leaders improve creativity, communication and collaboration.  He also co-wrote the top selling leadership book: Yes, And How Improvisation Reverses “No But” Thinking and Improves Creativity and Collaboration (Harper Business).

Tom just began his third career with the launch of Shyne Advisors, an innovative executive communication company that helps quiet, introverted leaders become confident, original communicators.

Tom is a past IncubatorEdu mentor and the proud father of two sons, one of whom is an IncubatorEdu alum.

In this interview, Tom and Cindra talk about:

  • The “Yes, And” Strategy
  • What gets in the way of communication
  • Why comparison is a roadblock in communication
  • How we can build our strengths into our communication
  • The big questions you should ask yourself when you don’t want to speak up
  • And how you speaking up impacts the culture of your organization

You can find a full description of the Podcast at

Aug 16, 2018

“Don’t let negativity win. When you rise above the negative energy, you raise the positive energy for everyone.”  Jon Gordon 

High performers develop positive teams. They realize that positivity makes a difference and they value it. They generate positivity on their team by working from their purpose. Knowing their vision. Working to get better each day. Having optimism and showing love and care. They show 1% more positive each day.

Power Phrase: 

"I choose positivity. I choose to bring positive energy each day and in each situation with my team."


Dr. Cindra Kamphoff is a Certified Mental Performance Consultant, Speaker and Author. She provide mental training for the Minnesota Vikings along with many other championships teams. She coaches athletes, CEOs and executives one-on-one to help them learn and apply the mental tools that lead to success.

Cindra also speaks to and works with businesses and organizations on how to gain the high performance edge while providing practical tools that work. Her clients range from Verizon Wireless to Mayo Clinic Health System.

Cindra's first book: Beyond Grit: Ten Powerful Practices to Gain the High Performance Edge was published in August. Her Ph.D. is in sport and performance psychology and she is a Professor in Performance Psychology at Minnesota State University.

To book Cindra for your next speaking event or learn more about her one-on-one coaching, visit:

For more information about Cindra's book, visit:

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