Dr. Adam Naylor leads the Performance Psychology division of Integrated Mental Health Services for Deloitte and is a mental performance coach for Telos Sport Performance Consulting. He has spent over two decades serving as a mental performance consultant to high performance leaders and competitors – an expert in emotions and mindsets that allow people to thrive and connect well with teams.
His clients have stood on Olympic podiums, hoisted the Stanley Cup, competed in tennis’s Grand Slams, won NCAA championships, thrived in international soccer competition, led corporations large and small, and more. He has published and presented widely on topics ranging from self-regulation under stress to the social-environmental factors that shape performance through the psycho-social development of leaders.
In this interview, Adam and I discuss:
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In order to reduce overthinking, self-doubt, fear – all of our inner limits – it all starts with self-awareness. Your self-awareness is having an understanding of yourself, your emotions, and what drives you. Cindra challenges you this week to notice yourself – how are you feeling/thinking about, and use the PCR strategy that she discusses to keep increasing your own awareness of yourself.
This Week’s Power Phrase: “I choose to lead the hardest person first—myself.
This Week’s Quote of the Week: “Self-awareness is the ability to take an honest look at your life without any attachment to it being right or wrong, good or bad.” Author Debbie Ford
Think about a time that you were in flow. What did your flow zone feel like? What led to that feeling? What were you doing? Dr. Cindra shares with us three things we can do to get in the flow more often. Flow is like a muscle—the more you train and experience flow, the easier it will be to reach your flow zone.
Power Phrase of the Week: “I find my flow and do what I love.”
Quote of the Week: “This is how memories are made….by going with the flow.” Amanda Bynes
High performers don’t hope their thinking will work for them; they make their thinking work for them. They are intentional and purposeful with their daily self-talk. They condition their minds each and every day which helps overcome self-doubt. In this episode, Cindra shares two ways to address self-doubt to be intentional with your self-talk.
This Week’s Power Phrase: “I level up my thoughts to level up my life.”
This Week’s Quote of the Week: “Fear and self-doubt have always been the greatest enemies of human potential.” Brian Tracy